Xbox 360 Wireless Speed Wheel Microsoft
xbox 360 wireless speed wheel microsoft

xbox 360 wireless speed wheel microsoftxbox 360 wireless speed wheel microsoft

My left thumb was making involuntary movements at turns. It is very strange at first. Building on our Xbox collaboration with Microsoft, MINIMAL partnered with the Xbox internal design team on the concept and design development of the Xbox 360 Wireless Speed Wheel, a fully immersive gaming accessory that promises to change the way we experience wireless So, here I go with a more serious attempt at using the speed wheel. The pad input settings cannot be changed in F1 2014 for the Xbox.Xbox 360 Speed Wheel. The wheel turn radius is too tight on the pad.

So far, same as my previous impressions and reasons for dismissal a few years ago.Taking things more seriously obviously meant going into the advanced wheel settings menu in the game and experimenting.Within a couple of dozen laps at Silverstone I got to within 4 seconds of my previous best with the pad. Then there was the weaving. Then I realised with this thing, I consciously had to straighten up.

Quite simply, the pad does not allow you to change direction as much as a wheel, including this one. And this is not down to being more smooth, which it is, but about the steering lock. Copse is especially easier.

The trigger springs are quite weak, which means judging throttle and brake by movement, not a feel. Rate of error is still quite big, mostly on straightening out and timing the throttle application connected with that. Biggest problem is putting in consistent lap times.

Definitely not compatible.)Since there is not much info about this wheel, I am listing my current and updated settings for it here:Steering Dead Zone - 7% Updated to 6% (9.2.15)Steering Saturation - 30% Updated to 50% (9.2.15)Steering Linearity - 50% Updated to 45% (9.2.15)I am still pretty sure there are better settings, so if anyone can advise I would appreciate it. (Edit: removed reference to Xbox One rumour of compatibility. But I feel it's worth a shot. And a real test will be the ability to recover from a bump or mistake in a race. Rate of error is still high.Only a bit more time will tell whether I can actually improve beyond my previous personal best with a pad. Exits are the biggest problem, especially into the pit straight.

Updated 9.2.15: I sit in a reclining armchair for gaming and have found a large cushion on my lap and resting my arms straight out with the speed wheel has helped significantly to prevent waving around.

xbox 360 wireless speed wheel microsoft